Message from Sarah Aguinaldo

"It is possible that in 6 months, you can start to return to normal activity..."

6 months? But I exercise and play sports everyday!

Hi! I'm Sarah Aguinaldo, founder of Lifeward Choices - the above is what the surgeon told me after examining my serious basketball injury in 2011.

"Unfortunately, in your case, the tear is too close to the calf muscle - not a good spot to operate on. You have to heal naturally... 6 months..."

I spent one day and ONE day only feeling sad about my situation - a full achilles tendon tear, and I couldn't walk! Yet, I knew that there was ABSOLUTELY NO WAY I could spend the next 6 months feeling badly! It didn't do anything for me - it didn't get me anywhere - it didn't bring me to a better spot!

That wasn't LIVING! That wasn't LIFE!

What could I do instead? How could I make the best of the situation?

ANSWER: Focus on my healing - heal and get back to LIFE! Get back to LIVING - creating, experiencing, exploring, helping others, being with others, caring for others, having fun, laughing...

I was committed to healing - I vowed to be patient with my Body, love my Body, support my Body. I would learn how to walk again!

Thus, my active lifestyle was brought to a halt as I was confined to my home - I had no choice but to slow down, go within and reflect.

This meant lots of quiet time and relaxation - the exact opposite of my usual racing thoughts, worries, fears, anxiety and nonstop-busy world, which led to the amazing discovery of the healing power of meditation.

Thus, to this day I am quick to meditate and reconnect to God to access deep wisdom and guidance whenever I have gotten off-track and away from positive thinking and self-love. I recentre immediately to embrace Relaxation, Happiness and Perfect Health, my newfound norms. From here, I CONSCIOUSLY CREATE THE LIFE OF MY DREAMS!

A certain mindset is required to do this, to experience this - I will show you how to retrain your brain and implement POWERFUL MIND TECHNIQUES to achieve this! You can eliminate stress, negativity and drama from your life forever, and so begins your journey of living the best and most fulfilling life that you deserve!



Sarah Aguinaldo